Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just when you think you are in decent shape.....

Just when you think you are in decent shape.....

All it takes is one good workout that incorporates moves outside of your "routine"! All of a sudden you are reduced to an exhausted heap of spaghetti like limbs, unable to perform simple functions.... like walking or speaking. With each step you feel it's quite possible that your knees will buckle beneath you.

You know you have a great workout when your arms and legs are still shaking on the drive home. Yes, that is what they mean by working the muscle to "failure".

That about sums up my experience from my first Workout Boot Camp. It was a great experience, I was pushed and I felt every bit of it....in a good way.

After getting and putting the kids to bed, I remembered to drink my recovery protein drink and ate a healthy dinner. That earned me a short burst of energy, so I put it to good use and did the P90X Ab Ripper Video to finish off the night!

I slept like a baby and cannot wait until the next Boot Camp!! 

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