Monday, March 29, 2010

P90X - Day 1 (lean)

Well, I had intended to start my P90X Lean Program on Monday, but things just worked out today and I found myself with some extra time on my why not? Lets get the party started early!

The first workout was tough, I was able to do about 95% of the exercises. I felt tired afterward, but also very pleased with the progress and excited about the whole program!

Diet - that is going to be my weak point as the program goes on. I am used to eating pretty much whatever I want. I know I will struggle, but I really want to do my very best.

Today I had a shopping list in hand and left the mini-me's at home when I headed to the grocery store. I loaded up on high protein foods that I like. At least I will be starting off on the right foot, so if things breakdown later - maybe it won't be a total disaster!

I am looking forward to Day 2 and beyond.

Now I still plan to keep up with my Workout Boot Camps. I just love that type of workout - never mind the occasional face full of mud. They are twice a week and I will just do my best to intertwine P980X and Boot Camp...until it kills me or I am completely fabulous! 

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