Tuesday, March 30, 2010

P90X – Day 2 (Lean) - Review

P90X – Day 2 (Lean) - Review

Monday – Bah! Always a tough day at work and jus t to add insult to injury the kids are on Spring Break – so I had to sneak out of the house while everyone else slept in. Oh well, good for them.

Since I did a few minutes extra before heading out the door, I prepared some scrambled eggs and packed all of my high protein foods. All this in an effort to avoid temptation at the office and risk blowing my P90X diet – Phase One – burn that fat baby!!!  Good news – it totally worked. I was on track, great choices, no mis-steps.  I have to up the overall calorie intake today – double workouts, lots to burn and avoid the bonk!

I have to say using http://www.livestrong.com/myplate/ to track my food intake makes the whole diet deal way easier – or in my case, it makes it possible.

The workout for Day 2 – Lean – CARDIO X

It was nice to start in slow with the yoga warm up. My hamstrings were feeling so tight all day, the warm up loosen up my muscles. Great workout! My two stumbling blocks – the high kick over the chair – what the heck was that called? Anyway, by the second round I was better able to keep up – the first round – not so pretty. My other struggle…. DREYA ROLLS!! Wow, they really kicked my butt – that would be the same butt I could hardly get off the ground even when pushing off after the roll – we will just work up to the “X”….{sigh}

Today is Day 3 of my P90X Journey. This will be a huge day for me because I am also doing Workout Boot Camp – it’s a hot day and I know this will be an extra tough day – we told to bring weights and jump ropes. Then I will finish up the night with my next P90X workout – on the schedule:  Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X. 

That's all for now - think good thoughts for me.

Monday, March 29, 2010

P90X - Day 1 (lean)

Well, I had intended to start my P90X Lean Program on Monday, but things just worked out today and I found myself with some extra time on my hands....so why not? Lets get the party started early!

The first workout was tough, I was able to do about 95% of the exercises. I felt tired afterward, but also very pleased with the progress and excited about the whole program!

Diet - that is going to be my weak point as the program goes on. I am used to eating pretty much whatever I want. I know I will struggle, but I really want to do my very best.

Today I had a shopping list in hand and left the mini-me's at home when I headed to the grocery store. I loaded up on high protein foods that I like. At least I will be starting off on the right foot, so if things breakdown later - maybe it won't be a total disaster!

I am looking forward to Day 2 and beyond.

Now I still plan to keep up with my Workout Boot Camps. I just love that type of workout - never mind the occasional face full of mud. They are twice a week and I will just do my best to intertwine P980X and Boot Camp...until it kills me or I am completely fabulous! 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

P90X - Preparing for my new adventure in fitness

P90X - Preparing for my new adventure in fitness

The time has come! After kicking around the idea of embarking on the P90X program for over a year, I have made the commitment to begin the program!

Now the hours of research, reading the personal stories of others, pouring over the preparation materials - will finally be put to use - in real life, my life.

I am sure that I am not 100% ready for the physical demands of the program. But anyone who knows me well understands my determination to complete the goals I set for myself.

My life motto has always been “Failure is not an option”, those words will surely be put to the test as I push myself well beyond my comfort zone in pursuit of a new level of fitness.

Follow my progress and send encouragement.  March 29th will be my first day of the 90 day program.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just when you think you are in decent shape.....

Just when you think you are in decent shape.....

All it takes is one good workout that incorporates moves outside of your "routine"! All of a sudden you are reduced to an exhausted heap of spaghetti like limbs, unable to perform simple functions.... like walking or speaking. With each step you feel it's quite possible that your knees will buckle beneath you.

You know you have a great workout when your arms and legs are still shaking on the drive home. Yes, that is what they mean by working the muscle to "failure".

That about sums up my experience from my first Workout Boot Camp. It was a great experience, I was pushed and I felt every bit of it....in a good way.

After getting and putting the kids to bed, I remembered to drink my recovery protein drink and ate a healthy dinner. That earned me a short burst of energy, so I put it to good use and did the P90X Ab Ripper Video to finish off the night!

I slept like a baby and cannot wait until the next Boot Camp!!